WINTER: Please note temperate plants are dormant and will not look the same as pictured. Do not forget a heatpack if your temps are low! Especially for tropicals!

Pinguicula (Butterwort) Care Guide

Posted by Vincent Green on

This is a general care guide - it will be updated later for specific species.


Distilled, Reverse Osmosis, Rain or water with TDS under 50.

Keep media moist, but not too wet. It can dry out for a day or so depending on conditions.


Medium light, these plants should receive around 10 hours of bright light.

Some species should show color when receiving enough light, leaves should be constantly produced.


As tropical, subtropical plants these do not like to go below 65 degrees, but can for short periods of time.

Some species can go lower when dormant but are currently not on sale.


Pure Long Fiber Sphagnum Moss (LFSM), Pure Perlite (on top), Lava Rock, Pumice or Peat + Perlite.

All of these options are great for Pinguicula depending on your watering habits. LFSM / Peat stay moist longer and can lead to rot if you overwater. Lava Rock/Pumice or pure perlite can dry out more quickly causing them to dry out if you do not water enough.


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