WINTER: Please note temperate plants are dormant and will not look the same as pictured. Do not forget a heatpack if your temps are low! Especially for tropicals!

MaxSea Fertilizer 1/4Tsp (Add-On)

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MaxSea Fertilizer

MaxSea fertilizer 16-16-16 is a well known fertilizer. It is one of the only acceptable fertilizers for nearly all Carnivorous Plants. Avoid use with Roridula.

1/4 TSP is enough to mix 1 gallon of fertilizer. USE PROPER DEMINERALIZED WATER AS IF WATERING PLANTS.

Foliar spray at your own discretion. Drosera, I generally heavy spray every 2 weeks. Utricularia, HEAVY spray every week. Pinguicula, a LIGHT spray every 2 weeks. Nepenthes, every 2 weeks or never. 

Use mixed amount within a week or so, or keep in a dark container. Algae will bloom inside the bottle if left too long and receiving light, ruining your spray. So do not use entire 1/4tsp if you do not intend on using a gallon soon. You can also just mix small amounts until its a light tea color.